Quick post here to show you how to get rid of your admin user called “admin” (the default wordpress admin username).
You have 2 ways to do it:
1) change the password directly in the database (if you’re not techy this is not for you)
2) Create a new admin user through your wordpress dashboard, and delete the admin user called “admin”.
Here are the steps:
#1 Create a new user and assign him the role of Administrator (choose the role in the dropdown at the bottom of the page). Go to Users/Add new. You’ll have to use a temporary different email address since you can’t have 2 users with the same email address
#2 logout of your dashboard and log back in with the newly created user
#3 Go to Users in the left menu and delete the admin user called “admin”, once you do that WordPress will ask you what you want to do with the posts that where posted under the user “admin” if you have any, you can then choose to assign these posts to your newly created administrator user.
#4 (OPTIONAL if you want to use the email address that the user called “admin” was using) Edit your new user and change the email address if you want to use the email address you had before.
That’s it!! Any question, please leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to help, and please share if you like 🙂